"Keys to Prophecy" Unlocks Mysteries

Announced by Susan Robbins on Oct 28 2010

"Keys to Prophecy" Unlocks Mysteries!  

Using the Bible alone, in the context of history and culture, Pastor Gary Venden – a student of the original Hebrew and Greek used by Bible authors – brings understanding and insights to Daniel and Revelation. These two interconnected books are filled with images, descriptions, and predictions about end-time events that have for centuries both fascinated and confused Bible scholars as well as every-day seekers of truth. You're invited to "come as you are" to this FREE seminar. You'll be amazed at how Bible prophecies unlock positive, hope-filled answers to life's hard questions. Lectures in English and Español. FREE programs for children, 0-12 years old. Seminar begins 7:00 p.m. nightly, Sa-Su-M-Tu-F (off W-Th). For specific dates, times, and topics, click here.