Sabbath School Classes at Glendale

Sabbath School is held 10:00–11:00 a.m. on Saturdays (la clase española comienza a las 9:00):

Beginners – Infants & toddlers, in Room #4

Kindergarten – Age 4–6, in Room #5

Primary – 1st grade–4th grade, in Room #6

Juniors – 5th grade–6th grade, in Room #2

Junior High – 7th grade–8th grade, in the Prayer Room

High School Youth – 9th grade–12th grade, in Room #3

Adult Classes –

Estrella Gonzalez's class (classroom #1; lección de adultos) en español, para toda la familia, comienza a las 9:00 a.m. Canciones, testimonio, y estudio.

Pastor Gary Venden (Sanctuary side room #C) teaches "Foundations," a class for new members, prospective members, and anyone who wants to review the basics.

Adult Quarterly  (for more information or to download free copies of this quarter's lessons, click here):

Visitors' Class  (back of Sanctuary) is taught by Kevin Marti, with the visitor — Adventist and non-Adventist — in mind

Collegiate Class  (front of Sanctuary, left side)

Ron Baerg's class (front of Sanctuary, right side)

Doug Bowers' class (Sanctuary side room #A)

TLC class (in the Glenview Academy staff lounge) begins at 9:30 a.m. to accommodate choir members who practice Sabbath morning at 10:30. Choir members take turns teaching the lesson.

"Life Matters" Class (in the Chapel) cover relevant life-application topics for 20-30-40-somethings